Domestic Violence Intervention Program

The Domestic Violence Program offers support to families in immediate or imminent danger of being hurt by an intimate partner or to children who are abused, neglected or have witnessed family violence regardless of sex, age, gender, lifestyle, religion, medical condition, etc. Participation in our program is open to all people and their children who have been a victim of domestic violence. 

These services are all rooted in transformation and sustainability, which guide individuals and families to not become victim to their circumstances, but rather use their adverse situations as a tool to break the cycles of violence, poverty and homelessness and achieve success. 

Our goal is simply to invest in each and every person or family in such a way that they feel seen, heard and supported. Our clients are not treated as numbers or another "case" but rather as humans who truly want a better life for themselves and are ready to put in the work to do so. 

If you are in a life-threatening situation, please dial 9-1-1, If you need to talk, call the 24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline 888-799-SAFE (7223), If you think you may be in an abusive relationship, you are not alone! There are resources that can help you.

Ways We Help:

Both in person and online services available. 

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How to Access Services

Our services are confidential, non-judgmental, and free of charge to the community, BUT you have to really be ready to change your life. If not, we’d be happy to help you find an organization to better suit your needs.